
SDC facilitates JRP community engagement meetings in Galdogob town and Bursalah village.

We recently conducted comprehensive community engagement activities in Galdogob District, Mudug Region, Somalia, under the SDC-JRP project. This initiative aims to enhance household and community resilience, improve food security, and strengthen local systems for effective livelihood services. Key activities included community meetings, educational sessions on sustainable agricultural practices, and collaborative sessions with local government officials […]

SDC facilitates JRP community engagement meetings in Galdogob town and Bursalah village. Read More »

Success Story: Abdishakur Mohamud Farah Transforms Farming Practices in Cuun with Kobciye Project.

Abdishakur Mohamud Farah, a pioneering smallholder farmer at Cuun site, initially faced discouragement and depression due to poor farming practices and lack of knowledge. Despite planting melons previously, he encountered low yields and struggled to attract customers. However, everything changed with the introduction of the Kobciye project. Through the Kobciye project, Abdishakur received invaluable training

Success Story: Abdishakur Mohamud Farah Transforms Farming Practices in Cuun with Kobciye Project. Read More »

SDC’s, Kobciye Project’s End-Term Evaluation Unveils Remarkable Agricultural Advancements in Puntland.

The End-Term Evaluation and Presentation Event for the Kobciye Project’s Agricultural Development and Food Security Outcomes in Puntland took center stage on February 15th, marking a pivotal moment in the region’s agricultural landscape. Led by the Salaam Development Center (SDC) in partnership with the Puntland Ministry of Agriculture and backed by the World Food Programme

SDC’s, Kobciye Project’s End-Term Evaluation Unveils Remarkable Agricultural Advancements in Puntland. Read More »

SDC’s Mobile Phone distribution to all Kobciye project beneficiaries.

Empowering Kobciye beneficiaries in #Laacdhere with touch screen mobile phones marks a significant leap towards embracing digital innovation. Following comprehensive digital and financial training, beneficiaries can now transition from traditional to digital marketing methods, enabling them to calculate revenue, capture compelling crop production photos, and effortlessly communicate through SDC-monitored WhatsApp groups. This initiative not only

SDC’s Mobile Phone distribution to all Kobciye project beneficiaries. Read More »

Kobciye project beneficiaries sharing positive impact of the project to the community.

Mrs. Safiyo, chairlady of Kobciye Laacdhere site, and Mrs. Ijabo, a project beneficiary trainee, testify to the project’s benefits. With extensive market linkage, financial, and #GAP trainings from #SDC experts with the support of #MOAI, and continuous support from #WFP and #EU, they successfully manage their farms and revenue. Their positive mindset towards resilient livelihoods

Kobciye project beneficiaries sharing positive impact of the project to the community. Read More »

SDC’s 2023-2024 Food systems Kobciye project beneficiary success story.

Meet Mr. Nure Bulshaale, chairman of the #Laacdheere Community a proud #Kobciye beneficiary, showcasing his abundant harvest of hot pepper and bell pepper. Thanks to expert #GAP trainings and climate-friendly agricultural technology, he’s achieved remarkable yields. Together with all beneficiaries, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the #EU for funding this transformative project, and to

SDC’s 2023-2024 Food systems Kobciye project beneficiary success story. Read More »

Kobciye beneficiaries tractor, agricultural technology handover ceremony.

FARM TECHNOLOGY DISTRIBUTION FOR KOBCIYE BENEFICIARIES IN NUGAL REGION. We’re excited to announce that SDC, in partnership with MOAI and WFP, has delivered a major boost to the KOBCIYE target farm sites today! We officially handed over duly signed asset notes for 4 tractors and 4 plowing discs to the Kobciye target sites in Nugal

Kobciye beneficiaries tractor, agricultural technology handover ceremony. Read More »


#SDC team and #WFP representatives embarked on an M&E journey to #Rabaable farm site under Kobciye project. They actively connected with the local community, directly observing the project’s beneficial outcomes, and conducting thorough Monitoring and Evaluation. Reflecting on a day of success at #Rababble Kobciye! From vibrant crops to engaging with our community beneficiaries, these


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