Abdishakur Mohamud Farah, a pioneering smallholder farmer at Cuun site, initially faced discouragement and depression due to poor farming practices and lack of knowledge. Despite planting melons previously, he encountered low yields and struggled to attract customers. However, everything changed with the introduction of the Kobciye project.
Through the Kobciye project, Abdishakur received invaluable training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and access to quality seeds. Learning about proper seed spacing, he implemented the recommended spacing, resulting in significantly healthier and larger melon yields. Previously discarded smaller melons now flourish, resembling those from the fertile lands of southern Somalia.
Abdishakur’s success story is a testament to the dedication fostered by continuous training sessions and the distribution of quality seeds. Grateful for the support from God and organizations like SDC, WFP, MOAI, and the EU, Abdishakur urges fellow farmers to embrace the initiative, highlighting its proven success.
Notably, Abdishakur’s commitment to his farm is commendable, as he personally tends to his fields without hired help. His dedication is fueled by a sense of accountability, spurred by monthly assessments, and a sincere appreciation for the training provided.
Abdishakur’s journey underscores the transformative power of knowledge and support in agricultural endeavors. As he continues to thrive, his story serves as an inspiration for fellow farmers to embrace opportunities for growth and improvement.
#KobciyeSuccess #AgriculturalTransformation #SmallholderFarming #SDC #WFP #MOAI #EU #Gratitude #FarmersSuccessStory #GAPTraining #QualitySeeds #CuunSite #EmpoweringFarmers